We are excited to announce our latest integration with the SiteSwan website builder platform. Check out this great press-release announcement from SiteSwan:

“Business is booming in hometown beer. According to the Brewers Association, the number of small and independent craft brewers grew another 16% in 2017, with a total now eclipsing 6,300 on Main Street, USA. Local wineries are experiencing similar growth. And with the surge in alternatives to conventional cigarettes comes phenomenal growth in local retailers catering to electronic alternatives and other vaping products.

The one thing these new small business upstarts have in common is legal age restrictions on their consumer base. So while they all need awesome websites to attract new customers, they also need to screen out the audience not legally allowed to do business with them. To take advantage of any of these growth sectors, the SiteSwan website you build for them needs age verification functionality.

Problem solved! With our latest partnered solution, adding website age verification is now a few short clicks away. Thanks to our new, seamless integration with AgeVerify.co, both the worries and hassles are taken care of in mere minutes. The opportunities of these markets are now unleashed, and the coding behind compliance, a piece of cake.

Our preferred third-party age verification provider AgeVerify.co has just released this quick and easy How-To Demo, specifically for our white label resellers. The installation instructions for the SiteSwan platform include all of AgeVerify’s templates in this short YouTube video below.

We’re excited to provide our latest platform integration, a powerful solution that opens new markets. Demonstrating again that SiteSwan is more than just a website builder — it’s a complete web design business-in-a-box. And reaffirming our relentless commitment to continuously enhance the powerful suite of tools that literally includes everything you need to start building and selling websites to every category of local businesses in your area. Even if you’ve never built a website before!”