Happy 2020! So much going on with marijuana legalization these days that we had to kick off the new year by featuring a recent custom website age verification we did for our cannabis industry client, Western Cannabis Extraction.

Check out this awesome custom AgeVerify instance we created for the https://www.westernextraction.com/ Wix website. Featuring a full screen background image, Province location selection that dynamically adjusts the age requirement, Remember Me functionality, site wide installation to ensure we prompt website visitors on their first page of entry, custom fonts, color coded buttons to match the Western Extraction logo and of course, it is built ‘responsive’ to always work and look great on any size device or screen.

The marijuana and cannabis industry has quickly become one of our primary customer segments and adding age verification with AgeVerify in to a Wix website is quick and simple. To learn more about our custom website age verification options, or to see a gallery of more of our work, check out: https://ageverify.com/gallery/
